Wed 2025/03/26 16:35 pm
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In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
I begin this message by renewing my commitment to continue serving the people of our great nation. It gives me great pleasure to express my deep gratitude to His Excellency President Mahmoud Abbas, President of the State of Palestine, for the precious trust he has bestowed upon me. I consider this trust a great responsibility, an obligation that rests heavily upon my shoulders, and one that requires my colleagues and me in the police force to share the weight of this responsibility with increased dedication and diligence towards building an exceptional police force for a safe nation.
The Palestinian police are the faithful guardians of the aspirations and ambitions of our people, and their protective shield against anyone attempting to undermine our security and stability. The police force is a well-trained security body, whose members possess the necessary scientific qualifications, experience, and skills to serve our homeland and people, and to contribute to the success of our national project aimed at achieving full independence for the State of Palestine, while also playing a vital role in fostering local and global peace.
The Palestinian police are acutely aware of the profound transformations and challenges that the world is witnessing today, challenges imposed by the nature of contemporary life. The police are working diligently to confront these challenges and combat crime in all its forms by embracing modern technology and making the most of its resources.
The police are focused on institutional performance development through strategic and operational planning, and by providing the necessary technical and technological support to enhance police services and track their implementation with precise performance indicators linked to a transparent accountability system. The police are building a solid operational system that ensures swift responses while making police services equally accessible and effective for all citizens and visitors, at the right time and place.
The police are fully committed to assisting vulnerable groups in society to ensure full justice, within a framework of trust in the processes and procedures that uphold the rule of law while respecting human dignity and privacy.
Our priority in the police force is to fulfill the aspirations of our citizens to live in peace and security, with full respect for human rights and freedoms. This begins with ensuring the safety of individuals and families, extending to the community as a whole, with a strong focus on civil peace and social cohesion, nurturing the authentic Palestinian values.
At the same time, the police seek to strengthen communication and build effective security partnerships with the people, encouraging them to participate in raising awareness about the dangers of crime and reducing it, as security is a shared responsibility.
The police are committed to applying the principle of integration with all state institutions, enhancing work efficiency, and continuing the journey of development and achieving security success that solidifies further stability and prosperity in our society. This will ensure that our state achieves the full independence we aspire to, under the leadership of Mr.President Mahmoud Abbas, may Allah preserve him. We pray that Allah grants us success in fulfilling our mission and serving our nation and people. He is All-Hearing, All-Responding.
Major General 'Allam Al-Saqqa
Chief of the Palestinian Civil Police