Chief of Police Major Gen. Hazim Atallah participates in "Countering Violence Extremism" Summit, in Washington.

Chief of Police Major Gen. Hazim Atallah participates in "Countering Violence Extremism" Summit, in Washington.
Published at: 2015/03/01 - 10:21 am

Major Gen. Hazim Atallah the chief of Palestinian Police presided over the Palestinian delegation in "Countering Violence Extremism" Summit, in the White House\ Washington.

Vice president Joe Biden attended the summit with the presence of more than 60 countries and international organizations, in which  the summit discussed the ways in which the international unity were to stand in the face of terrorism and report the mechanisms of cooperation to confront it.

President Barack Obama defended his decision not to call war against terrorism as a religious one during remarks at an anti-extremism summit "We are not at war with Islam, we are at war with those who have perverted Islam," he said. This was confirmed by all the Arab delegations, including the Palestinian delegation.

Police's Public Relations and Media Department reported in a statement that "Major.Gen Hazim Attallah in his speech,  on behalf of the State of Palestine said that "terrorism has no religion, stressing on the need for converging efforts and raise the level of cooperation to counter terrorism and the ideology of terrorism, with a focus at the same time  on the need to discuss the causes that feed extremism thoughts  and cut all the roads that lead to terrorism, like  corruption and injustice through the deepening of community policies in the security forces, particularly the police, in order to break down the barriers between citizens and the security forces, which will make the citizen as a real partner in achieving security and stability.

The statement added that the summit lasted for two days, in which a number of sessions dealt with all issues related to extremism and terrorism as a threat of foreign fighters and community police, and came out with a set of recommendations represented in inviting  states to support local communities and strengthen its relations with the security forces to secure them against  terrorism, in addition to encourage the educational initiatives and  involve civil community in the government's plans.

The Palestinian delegation included in addition to the Chief of Police Mr.Hazem Atallah, Dr. Basri Saleh, from the Ministry of Education, and Mr.Wasim Khrmo, policy counselor to the Negotiations Affairs Department.

All comments reflect the views of the owners and not the views of the Palestinian police


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